I've been wanting to get family pictures done forever! Our last picture was done when Jack was 18 months old. This took a little coordinating, but it was well worth it. I am very happy with the results.
I think this will be the Christmas card!
I love the way Ellie is looking at Jack.
I included this because the resemblance between Ellie and Doug just cracks me up.
Sam turned 10. Sam is my godson and my kids' best friend. He is such a character! He had a slumber party with 2 other friends. The kids had a nerf gun fight, played Zhu Zhu pets, and had a blast. We adults watched the Oregon Duck game. Then we stayed the night.
Ellie and Sam love the video game, while Jack, Colin, and
We had been long overdue on a weekend getaway. It had been over a year and we were ready for a little bit of relaxation without the kids. So after Ellie's volleyball games we met Martha with the kids. They had a great time with Nana and we had fun on our own. We stayed at Salishan thanks to a Christmas gift card. We had a blast sleeping in, shopping at the outlets, going out to eat and enjoying the beautiful scenery. We still have so much fun together. We also made a commitment to make sure we do this again soon.
Listening to great music, after our visit to the Snug Harbor
Shopping, the only way Doug likes to shop is at the outlets. Of course I just like shopping so this makes us both happy.
The kids love Halloween so much. We met some friends at their church party this year and after some fun and games headed out trick-or-treating. We started at a neighborhood with a really spooky house and made our way to a neighborhood right by their school (our street is not one bit safe to trick-or-treat on). We were so happy with dry and warm weather. The kids got tons of candy and had a blast!
The official name of Ellie's costume was a dark phantom.