Saturday, May 28, 2011

Field trips galore

Part of the fun of spring: Field trips. I was able to use my personal days to go with Ellie to the OMSI overnight and with Jack to Champoeg. I love being able to be kids on these special occasions and help out their teachers. And funny, I always seems to get some extra special kids in my groups. That's the downside of being a teacher, they know you can handle the naughty ones. But both of these were great experiences!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ag Fest

Ellie's teacher submitted essays to the McDonald's What we're made of Contest. They chose 15 essays from 4th graders in Oregon. The 15 winners get to go on a special field trip to Ag Fest at the State Fairgrounds. Well guess whose essay won the trip for Ellie's class?? You got it, my fabulous daughter. We were SO excited and proud of her. It was a very big deal and she was a great kid to get that attention. Of course I had to go on the field trip, which meant I could only use 1/2 a day on the day after the OMSI trip. But it was worth it. What a special experience! I am so proud of my girl!


We had a nice Easter weekend! Both kids played a ball game on Saturday then we dyed Easter eggs. The next morning they were able to hunt for eggs and have a big breakfast. After that we went to my mom's house where Nana and Papa met us for dinner. The kids got lots of candy and enjoyed themselves.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ellie skis Mt. Hood

Ellie got to ski at Mt. Hood meadows. We went up with my friend Vanessa and her husband Tim. They are avid skiers. So this involved leaving Salem at 6 am (ouch). But it was well worth it. It was a gorgeous day. Ellie did ski school in the morning, then we all had lunch together. Then she got to spend the afternoon skiing with Vanessa and Tim. They were so good to her. Vanessa is a teacher and she used to be a ski instructor. Ellie LOVED it! She loves skiing and I am so proud of how she is so determined to ski!

Doug's show

Doug had a solo show for the month of April. These involve a lot of extra hours and stress, however the end is worth it. Doug's work looked awesome and he had a lot of positive feedback. He made some sales too, which is always nice. The kids and I stopped by to check out the opening. There was even a cotton candy maker which made them happy.