Monday, August 17, 2009

Legoland 2009

This was Jack's dream to go to Legoland! Our first day was overcast and their was a slight sprinkle so according to Californians this was awful weather. It was nice for us because it wasn't very crowded which was a really nice change from Disneyland! The kids loved Legoland. Our second day there was Father's day and Max's birthday! After Legoland we headed back for a couple for days at Disneyland. Then it was time for the marathon all nighter drive back to Oregon. What a great trip!!

The group shot, Dacars and Fultons

Bionicle Blasters one of the favorite rides!

After the Indiana Jones/not Indiana Jones ride! That is a whole nother story:)

Lovin' the water!

Father's Day dinner at Denny's!

A couple of great guys!

The aquarium was part of Legoland!

This is one of my favorite pictures of all the kids!

The big kids

Lucy, Jack and I on the airplanes!


  1. Liz, I am so excited that you are a Blogger now! Welcome to the Blogging world. I love that your first two posts are of our awesome vacation together too!

  2. I love that you're a blogger too! Can I add your blog to my list of blogs I "stalk?" I promise I'm not scary...!

  3. Oh, and I just see now that you have me on your blog list, so I'm going to add you without your response -- I know, very bold of a stalker :)
