Monday, May 31, 2010

First grade music program

There is Jack in his green shirt. He did a great job and the program was a lot of fun. Each class did a poem, sang songs, and at the end they did some dances. On the last dance, the cupid shuffle, all the parents got to dance too.

Jack was wondering if he will ever get to stand on a riser.
Next to his friend Jacob.

Parents vs. kids softball game

This was so much fun. We played parents against kids and the kids beat us. Maybe we helped them win just a little but the girls played great. They all hit well since a parent was pitching and we had a lot of laughs.

Doug is playing first.

Ellie is trying to keep Doug off third base, don't think this strategy works in a real game.
She wanted to get him out
Don't I look ready. I even had to field some balls.
Ellie up to bat with Doug catching
Doug up to bat with Ellie catching

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Myers Sleepover

Myers School Sleepover

The second and third graders get a wonderful sleepover at the school hosted by their teachers. They are really lucky to have such a dedicated group of teachers willing to do this. This year started with gym activities because the weather was bad. Then the teachers put on a skit and they have activities in the classrooms. At 9:30 everyone sets up sleeping bags in the gym and they put on a movie. At about 11:00 it's lights out. We parents take turns with the teachers staying awake during the night(someone always has to be up). Lucky me I got the 4 am to 5 am shift. My friend Crissy and I talked until 1 am, guess we're as bad as the kids. So I didn't get much sleep but the kids sure had fun. Jack will get to go next year so I guess I may be ready for 2 more years on the gym floor.

Mrs. Berry has come for the last 5 years even though her class doesn't come. She was Ellie's teacher for kinder and first and is now Jack's teacher.
Getting ready for the skit
The skit was called what teachers really do after school. The kids loved this!
Nail painting is one of the favorite activities for boys and girls
Crissy and I
With our girls
Have to get the silly picture
And of course the sleeping picture
6:30 am wake up call
Tired but they had fun

Slip and Slide

We had our first really warm spring day
last weekend. After a birthday for the little brother
of the kids' friends we went to their house to try out
the new slip and slide. The kids had a blast and tried
out their "sliding" techniques since they are all
playing ball!
Jack has great form and regularly gets in a really
good slide in t-ball, which is kinda funny since
alot of the kids don't even know where the ball
is supposed to go. He is definitely the star of
his team.
Look at that black eye healing!
Buddies always begging for more playdates.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Celebration of students and Author's night

Myers had their annual celebration of students. On this night they have 2 pieces of artwork from every student displayed around the school. They also had first grade author's night where first graders could read some of their published writing. The kids were really excited to show off their work. Jack was nervous to read but did great. I promised him ice cream when he was finished. It was a fun evening.

The black flower on white fabric is one of Ellie's pieces
Jack's guinea pigs are between Ellie and Jack and his clouds are next to Jack

He read about the Civil War game and our trip to Disneyland and Legoland.

The shiner continued

Ever since my kids were little I am amazed at how quickly little bodies heal compared to adults. I really can't believe how well her eye looks considering how bad it was. She had a couple more days of pain and we just kept the motrin coming. We did let the dr. check it out because 2 days after the injury she was complaining of an earache in the left ear but she got a clean bill of health.

Wednesday morning(she was hit on Monday night)
She even played her game Wednesday night, just didn't play catcher since the eye was still too sore to put on the mask.

Thursday evening
Saturday morning, only 5 days after it happened.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ellie's first shiner

As Ellie was warming up for her game she got a softball in the face from one of the girls with a really strong arm. It hurt a lot and I wasn't sure if she was going to be able to play, but she is one tough girl. She was very determined to play, especially since Nana and Papa came from Junction City to watch her. She sat out the first inning, then played first base and then catcher for 2 innings. I could tell it was hurting but really didn't get how bad it was until the next morning. All I have to say is OWWWWWW! and why is it called softball because the ball is not soft. I was really proud of her and she was proud of herself. She got the game ball for her toughness!

The color is just starting to show.

She was really excited and proud to get the game ball.
Her best buddy Antonia!

We went to pizza with Nana and Papa after the game. Jack also played and they watched him first. I missed his game but I was told he made 5 outs!
We could tell it was gonna be bad
Ouch, so I will do some follow up pictures because I can only imagine the colors this will turn.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day started with donuts and the beautiful creations made with love by my kids! I love the thought and effort they put into their projects. My family also gave me a 100$ Nordstrom gift card!!!!!!! After that fun we went to Corvallis for the Ducks and Beavers baseball game. After the game my mom came over for some BBQ. It was a great day, except for the fact that the Beavers won.

Our house is three ducks and a beaver. Of course the crowd, which was mainly Beavers loved Jack!
The kids made signs hoping to get on TV

They were so cute in their contrasting colors.

You can't tell from the picture but Jack had written Go Beavs on the back of his sign in scotch tape. He is VERY clever!
Jack was very excited when Benny the Beaver showed up!
Benny even posed with me!

My boys
Happy Mother's day to me! My beautiful necklace was made out of clay by Ellie!